import * as pako from "pako";
export var default_download = (base, file, start, end) => {
let url = base + "/" + file;
if (start == null || end == null) {
return fetch(url);
} else {
return fetch(url, { headers: { Range: "bytes=" + String(start) + "-" + String(end) } });
var reference_base_url = "";
* Get or set the base URL for the pre-built references.
* By default, it uses the `indices-*` release files from [the feedstock repository](
* Setters should call this function before calling any **gesel** functions that might fetch resources.
* @param {string} [url] - Base URL to use for the prebuilt references.
* @return {string} If `url` is not supplied, the current base URL is returned.
* If `url` is supplied, it is set as the base URL, and the previous base URL is returned.
export function referenceBaseUrl(url) {
if (typeof url == "undefined") {
return reference_base_url;
} else {
let old = reference_base_url;
reference_base_url == url;
return old;
export var reference_download = (file, start = null, end = null) => default_download(reference_base_url, file, start, end);
* Get or set the global download function to fetch pre-built references.
* By default, it uses the global `fetch` in browsers and later versions of Node.js.
* Applications may specify a different function, e.g., to handle authentication or caching;
* this should be done before calling any other **gesel** functions that might fetch resources.
* @param {function} [fun] - Function that performs a GET request to an index file, returning a Response object containing the file contents.
* This accepts three arguments:
* - The base name of the pre-built index file of interest (e.g., `"10090_collections.tsv.gz"`).
* - The starting byte of the request.
* - The ending byte of the request.
* If all three arguments are specified, the function should perform a HTTP range request to obtain the specified range of bytes.
* If only the first argument is supplied, the function should download the entire file.
* @return {function} If `fun` is not supplied, the current global downloader is returned.
* If `fun` is supplied, it is used to set the global downloader, and the previous global value of the function is returned.
export function referenceDownload(fun) {
let prev = reference_download;
if (typeof fun !== "undefined") {
reference_download = fun;
return prev;
// For back-compatibility.
export function setReferenceDownload(fun) {
return referenceDownload(fun);
var gene_base_url = "";
* Get or set the base URL for the gene information.
* By default, it uses the `genes-*` release files from [the feedstock repository](
* Setters should call this function before calling any other **gesel** functions that might fetch resources.
* @param {string} [url] - Base URL to use for the gene informatin.
* @return {string} If `url` is not supplied, the current base URL is returned.
* If `url` is supplied, it is set as the base URL, and the previous base URL is returned.
export function geneBaseUrl(url) {
if (typeof url == "undefined") {
return gene_base_url;
} else {
let old = gene_base_url;
gene_base_url == url;
return old;
export var gene_download = (file) => default_download(gene_base_url, file, null, null);
* Set the global download function to fetch gene information.
* By default, it uses the global `fetch` in browsers and later versions of Node.js.
* Applications may specify a different function, e.g., to handle authentication or caching;
* this should be done before calling any other **gesel** functions that might fetch resources.
* @param {function} [fun] - Function that performs a GET request to an index file, returning a Response object containing the file contents.
* This should accept the base name of the pre-built index file of interest (e.g., `"9606_symbol.tsv.gz"`).
* @return {function} If `fun` is not supplied, the current global downloader is returned.
* If `fun` is supplied, it is used to set the global downloader, and the previous global value of the function is returned.
export function geneDownload(fun) {
let prev = gene_download;
if (typeof fun !== "undefined") {
gene_download = fun;
return prev;
// For back-compatibility.
export function setGeneDownload(fun) {
return geneDownload(fun);
export function decompressLines(buffer) {
var contents = pako.inflate(new Uint8Array(buffer));
const txt = new TextDecoder();
var lines = txt.decode(contents).split("\n");
if (lines[lines.length - 1] == "") {
return lines.slice(0, lines.length - 1); // remove empty string at trailing newline.
} else {
return lines;
export async function retrieveRanges(resource) {
var res = await reference_download(resource + ".ranges.gz");
if (!res.ok) {
throw "failed to fetch ranges for '" + resource + "'";
var buffer = await res.arrayBuffer();
var lengths = decompressLines(buffer);
var ranges = [0];
for (var i = 0; i < lengths.length; i++) {
ranges.push(ranges[i] + Number(lengths[i]) + 1);
return ranges;
export async function retrieveNamedRanges(resource) {
var res = await reference_download(resource + ".ranges.gz");
if (!res.ok) {
throw "failed to fetch ranges for '" + resource + "'";
var buffer = await res.arrayBuffer();
var lines = decompressLines(buffer);
var last = 0;
var ranges = new Map;
var order = [];
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
let split = lines[i].split("\t");
let next = last + Number(split[1]) + 1; // +1 for the newline.
ranges.set(split[0], [last, next]);
last = next;
return { ranges, order };
export async function retrieveRangesWithExtras(resource) {
var res = await reference_download(resource + ".ranges.gz");
if (!res.ok) {
throw "failed to fetch ranges for '" + resource + "'";
var buffer = await res.arrayBuffer();
var lines = decompressLines(buffer);
var ranges = [0];
var extra = [];
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
let split = lines[i].split("\t");
ranges.push(ranges[i] + Number(split[0]) + 1); // +1 for the newline.
return { ranges, extra };
export function retrieveBytesByIndex(resource, ranges, index) {
var start = ranges[index];
var end = ranges[index + 1];
return retrieveBytes(resource, start, end);
export async function retrieveBytes(resource, start, end) {
end--; // ignore the newline.
var res = await reference_download(resource, start, end);
if (!res.ok) {
throw "failed to fetch ranges for '" + resource + "'";
var txt = await res.text();
return txt.slice(0, end - start); // make sure we limit it to the requested length.
export function convertToUint32Array(txt) { // Building back the indices from the diffs.
var output = [];
if (txt !== "") {
var last = 0;
txt.split("\t").forEach(x => {
var y = Number(x) + last;
last = y;
return new Uint32Array(output);
* @param {Array} arrays - Array of arrays over which to compute the intersection.
* @return {Array} Intersection of all arrays in `arrays`.
export function intersect(arrays) {
if (arrays.length == 0) {
return [];
} else if (arrays.length == 1) {
return arrays[0];
let ref = new Set(arrays[0]);
for (var i = 1; i < arrays.length; i++) {
let running = new Set;
for (const x of arrays[i]) {
if (ref.has(x)) {
ref = running;
return Array.from(ref);
async function fetch_sizes_internal(species, _sizes, full, initialize, funSizes, funFound) {
let sizes = _sizes.get(species);
if (typeof sizes == "undefined") {
let found = await full(species, { download: false });
if (found !== null) {
// Pulling it from the full info instead, if we already got it.
return funFound(found);
await initialize(species);
sizes = _sizes.get(species);
return funSizes(sizes);
export function fetchSizes(species, _sizes, full, initialize) {
return fetch_sizes_internal(
x => x,
y => {
let tmp_sizes = [];
for (const x of y) {
_sizes.set(species, tmp_sizes);
return tmp_sizes;
export function fetchNumber(species, _sizes, full, initialize) {
return fetch_sizes_internal(
x => x.length,
x => x.length