import { fetchAllGenes } from "./fetchAllGenes.js";
var by_symbol = new Map;
var by_symbol_lower = new Map;
* @param {string} species - The taxonomy ID of the species of interest, e.g., `"9606"` for human.
* @param {string} type - Type of the identifier to use as the key of the map, e.g., `"ensembl"`.
* @param {object} [options={}] - Optional parameters.
* @param {boolean} [options.lowerCase=false] - Whether to use lower-case keys in the map.
* @return {Map} Map where each key is a string containing a (possibly lower-cased) identifier of the specified `type` and each value is an array.
* Each array contains the **gesel** gene IDs associated with the `type` identifier, see {@linkcode fetchAllGenes} for ore details.
* @async
export async function mapGenesByIdentifier(species, type, { lowerCase = false } = {}) {
let host = (lowerCase ? by_symbol_lower : by_symbol);
let sfound = host.get(species);
if (typeof sfound === "undefined") {
sfound = new Map;
host.set(species, sfound);
let tfound = sfound.get(type);
if (typeof tfound === "undefined") {
tfound = new Map;
sfound.set(type, tfound);
let _genes = (await fetchAllGenes(species, { types: [ type ] })).get(type);
for (var i = 0; i < _genes.length; i++) {
for (let y of _genes[i]) {
if (lowerCase) {
y = y.toLowerCase();
let current = tfound.get(y);
if (typeof current !== "undefined") {
} else {
tfound.set(y, new Set([i]));
for (const [key, val] of tfound) {
tfound.set(key, Array.from(val));
return tfound;