import * as utils from "./utils.js";
const _cache = new Map;
* @param {string} species - The taxonomy ID of the species of interest, e.g., `"9606"` for human.
* @param {object} [options={}] - Optional parameters.
* @param {boolean} [] - Whether to download the set-to-gene mappings if they are not already available.
* If `false`, `null` is returned if the set-to-gene mappings have not already been loaded into memory.
* @return {?Array} Array of length equal to the total number of sets for this `species`.
* Each element corresponds to an entry in {@linkcode fetchAllSets} and is an array of integers containing the IDs for all genes belonging to that set.
* Gene IDs refer to indices in {@linkcode fetchAllGenes}.
* If the set-to-gene mappings have not already been loaded and `download = false`, `null` is returned.
* @async
export async function fetchGenesForAllSets(species, { download = true } = {}) {
let found = _cache.get(species);
if (typeof found !== "undefined") {
return found;
} else if (!download) {
return null;
let res = await utils.reference_download(species + "_set2gene.tsv.gz");
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error("failed to fetch full set-to-gene information for species '" + species + "'");
var set_data = utils.decompressLines(await res.arrayBuffer());
let loaded =;
_cache.set(species, loaded);
return loaded;